Research on Exercises, Assignments, and Prompts: towards an archive of Design teaching/learning tools

The REAP project addresses Design education; the focus is to understand studio-based teaching and learning practices by analysing a foundational tool: the exercise, design assignment, project brief, prompt, or any other term used to describe the instrument that instigates the work to be done in class. 

The project’s expected impacts are aimed at diagnosing and improving design education, namely its teaching/learning process; indirect impacts, which result through dissemination, include to improve lifelong learning, and to contribute to design practice addressing the contemporary problems of society.

Main Researcher: 

Rita Assoreira Almendra (FA-UL)

Researcher from RETHINK:

João Neves (IPCB)

Proponent Institution:


Participating entities:

Project’s Duration:

1 year and months

Project’s Beginning Date:


Project’s End Date:


Project’s Total Budget:

7.500 €
