EUROACE Bauhaus Villages Strategy
The EUROACE Euroregion is made up of the regions of Alentejo and Centre in Portugal and the Autonomous Community of Extremadura in Spain, which aims to promote cross-border and interregional cooperation between the three regions.
The EUROACE Bauhaus Villages Strategic Plan developed aims to realise the specific objectives identified for the EUROACE Euroregion and is intended to contribute to the definition of a strategic and operational intervention model that will serve as the basis for the Calls for Proposals to be held, aimed at agents and entities in the EUROACE territory.
The objectives of the EUROACE_NEB Strategy, among others, are to identify priorities for action in the territory, pointing out an innovative, resilient, local and cross-border development model, as well as making it possible to promote new rural-urban and cross-border relations; meeting the three axes of the New European Bauhaus (NEB), namely aesthetics, sustainability and inclusion.

Researchers from RETHINK:
João Neves (PORTUGAL)
Daniel Raposo (PORTUGAL)
Proponent Institution:

Participating Entities:
Project’s Duration:
3 years and 5 months
Project’s Beginning Date:
Project’s End Date:
Project’s Total Budget: