This book gathers a small sample of projects developed in a class context and in an end-of-course project, which are examples of the methodological processes started with the beginning of this master’s degree and that result from an active collaboration with micro, small and medium Portuguese companies, namely in brand internationalisation processes, interface design, information design, guidance/information systems and editorial design.


In each edition of EIMAD we seek to ensure the quality, diffusion, impact and indexation of our editions, in order to increase the notoriety and citations of the texts entrusted to us.

8th Edition

The long papers are published in English in Springer’s book “Advances in Design, Music and Arts II: 8th International Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, EIMAD 2022, July 07-09, 2022” to be submitted for identification. ISI Proceedings, Google Scholar and Springerlink.

The free access for the conference participants will be granted for 4-6 weeks.

Indexed by:

Short papers are published in English, Portuguese or Spanish in the book “Research and Teaching in Design and Music” Vol. III, from the Convergências Research Books Collection, IPCB Editions.

7th Edition


The long papers are published in English in Springer’s book “Advances in Design, Music and Arts: 7th Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, EIMAD 2020, May 14-15, 2020” to be submitted for identification. ISI Proceedings, Google Scholar and Springerlink.

Indexed by

Short papers are published in Portuguese or Spanish in the book “Research and Teaching in Design and Music” Vol. II, from the Convergências Research Books Collection, IPCB Editions.

After 7th EIMAD, the authors of the best papers were invited to write an unpublished chapter in one of the following books:

“Perspectives on Design: Research, Education and Practice II” to be edited at the Springer Series in Design and Innovation.

— “Perspectives on Music, Sound and Musicology: Research, Education and Practice” and is part of the Springer Series in“ Systematic musicology ”and has as editors: Luísa Correia Castilho, Rui Dias e José Francisco Pinho.